Passo 1
Assicurati che il tuo account sia verificato controllando la tua email e facendo clic sul link di verifica
Se hai un account, accedi con il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.
How do I create an account?
It’s super simple to create an account on Manic Panic. Hit the Create an Account button above to provide us with your details and to decide your login information. You can use an account to view your order history, address book and any other order information. See more information on business account applications below.
I’ve created an account, what’s next?
If you’ve just completed our registration page then the next step is to verify your account. At the point of account creation, you will have been emailed a link which allows you to verify your account. Once your account has been verified, you will be able to log in.
I haven’t received a verification email.
If you haven’t received a verification email, then the first step would be is to check that the email address you entered is correct. If you attempt to log in with the correct email address with an un-verified account you will be provided with the option to request a new verification email to be sent.
If the email address you entered is incorrect, then please contact us so that we can make corrections, or alternatively, you should make a new account with the correct email address.
I am unable to log in.
There are a few steps to take if you are unable to log in. You can use the Forgot Password button provided to reset your password, or double check that you successfully verified your account using the information provided above. If you are still unable to log in, then please Contact Us and quote any messages that are being provided at the point where you can’t log in.
How do I sign up for a business account?
In order to get a business account, you will need to sign up for a customer one and select the additional option to apply for a business account. Then, the signup and verification process is the same as if you were signing up for a customer account. Once the previous steps are completed, you will have a customer account with the business account application pending approval.
The application for a business account needs to be approved by a member of our team before you can access some of the additional benefits (pricing, exclusive products). Please see an overview of the business account application process below.
Passo 1
Assicurati che il tuo account sia verificato controllando la tua email e facendo clic sul link di verifica
Passo 2
Una volta verificato, l'applicazione del tuo account verrà esaminata dal nostro team
Passo 3
Attendi mentre esaminiamo la tua domanda
Passo 4
Riceverai una notifica se il tuo account è stato approvato
Nota: non tutte le applicazioni degli account aziendali avranno esito positivo.
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